Exclusive Dofollow blogs list for sale 28-06-2010

Have you already checked my recent free list of dofollow blogs? If you haven`t try it and then come back here.

So what is the main disadvantage of public dofollow blogs lists? Actually their publicity is the disadvantage. Thus when you give the list to the mass, the list itself lose its value.

Now I decided to start creating exclusive dofollow blogs lists for sale. Each of them will contain about 100 dofollow blogs. Such lists will be saled maximum for 5 times. One copy price is 5$. If you wanna buy it from me like the single buyer it will cost you 15$.

All the blogs are checked for the URL input field (for the commentator website) presence. In the list you will find the exact pages where you can post your comments (PR and Alexa below are mentioned exactly for these pages). The lists of dofollow blogs will be sold in the Excel 2003 file.

The current list contains 104 english dofollow blogs. Below you will see the PR distribution of the list:

PR0 – 58 blogs
PR1 – 14 blogs
PR2 – 9 blogs
PR3 – 15 blogs
PR4 – 5 blogs
PR5 – 1 blog

You can buy the list from me directly (use ICQ 435268826 to contact me) or to buy it from plimus.